
Showing posts from July, 2021

9 Best Energy Boosting Foods

  Hey there, welcome to this blog post  “9 Best Energy Boosting Foods – You Can Boost Your Energy .” Feeling exhausted? We all feel under the weather at times. But if you’re constantly tired to the point of chronic fatigue, you’ll want to talk to a doctor. Meanwhile, you can follow a healthy diet to keep yourself from feeling bad. In this article, we’ll be discussing 9 energy boosting foods you can include in your daily diet. How do Yerba Mate (yer-ba mah-tay) and Edamame (ed-ah-mom-eh) help you? Are goji berries good for boosting energy levels? What about quinoa and yogurt? We’ll be talking about all of these AND more… Yerba Mate In the mood for a delicious drink that picks you up instantly? Try Yerba Mate. It’s delicious and energy boosting without the calorie overload that other sugary drinks provide. This drink is made from the dried leaves of a South American plant. Yerba Mate offers you a good amount of antioxidants, caffeine, and energy. A regular 8-ounce cup gives you ...

Ways to Eat Less Processed Foods

  Hey there, welcome to this blog post “ Ways to Eat Less Processed Foods – 10 Easy and Realistic Tips .” Every time you walk down the aisle at the grocery store, you’re tempted by processed foods. There’s so much to buy! Instant ramen, TV dinners, Coca-cola, and sausages just to name a few. Processed foods are unhealthy. They’re loaded with salt, sugar, and preservatives. Cutting down on processed foods can be a task, but don’t worry. In this article, I’ll be telling you about 10 easy and realistic tips for eating less processed foods. Will drinking water help? What about food swaps? Can meal prepping help? We’ll be talking about all of these AND more… Drink More Water Our body is made up of 60% water! Drinking water is essential for staying hydrated and maintaining your overall health. Sadly, most of you don’t drink enough. But how will drinking water help you eat less processed food? Well, suppose you had your breakfast, and after 45 minutes, you again feel like eating something...

Cumin for Weight Loss

  Welcome to this blog post “ Cumin for Weight Loss – 1 Teaspoon of This Spice Daily .” Weight loss is so hard. You have to follow a strict diet and exercise regularly. Luckily, there are ways to speed your weight loss up. We keep hearing a lot about weight loss drinks, especially cumin (Q-min) water. But do they really help? In this article, we’ll be delving into the details of cumin, and its role in weight loss. How does it help you shed extra pounds? How can you use it? Is it okay to take cumin powder instead of cumin seed water? What other benefits does it have to offer? Can it help with diabetes? We’ll be talking about all of these AND more… How Does Cumin Help in Weight Loss? Cumin is a spice primarily grown in India, China, and Mexico. It’s usually used in chili powder and curry and can help boost your metabolism, lower your blood sugar and cholesterol levels. Cumin has an active compound that is unique to the spice. This compound is naturally occurring and has antioxidant a...