9 Foods to Lose Weight – You Need to Eat This Every Week
Hey there, welcome to this blog post 9 Foods to Lose Weight – You Need to Eat This Every Week. Are you trying to lose weight? Getting healthier can be tough, but you can do it. The biggest challenge is changing your diet. You can exercise all you want. But if you’re not eating the right foods, it won’t matter.
Let’s talk about foods, you need to eat every week to lose weight. Are you eating fatty fish? How about broccoli? Do you have to eat more apples? Wait! Does dark chocolate actually help we’re talking all that and more?

Dark Chocolate
Who knew that sweets could help you lose weight. Well, dark chocolate is not your usual sweet. But eating it in moderation every week can contribute to weight loss. Dark chocolate is shown to reduce cravings. It’ll also make you feel full for a longer period. As a result, you’ll eat less throughout the day.
A study from 2010 focused on 12 women who ate a moderate amount of dark chocolate over a period of time. It turns out it reduced their hunger. It also increased their level of ghrelin. The hormone that stimulates hunger. Compared to people who eat milk chocolate research finds that people feel much more satisfied when they eat dark chocolate. They also consume 20 percent fewer calories at later meals than people who eat milk chocolate.
Dark chocolate will help you drop pounds if you eat it every now and then. Just one small bar is 90 calories and it holds four percent of your daily fiber. What’s your favorite type of sweet, have you ever gone without it? If so, how long? Sound off in the comments section and start a conversation with our health fitness journal community.
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Avocado – 9 Foods to Lose Weight
All of your hipster friends are right. Avocado is the way to go. Especially if you’re looking to lose weight. A healthy diet of avocados does wonders for your waistline. Much like dark chocolate. It can suppress your appetite. Making you less likely to overeat. Studies show that people who eat avocado with their meal feel 23 percent more satisfied after. They also have 28 percent less desire to eat over the next five hours.
Avocados are also low in calories and high in fiber. Eating it is pretty easy! The best part is there are so many foods you can add it to. I mean sure you can eat it raw, but why not try some avocado toast. There are also salads and dips you should consider adding to.
We should all be eating more eggs. For the longest time eggs weren’t seen as healthy. This was due to the idea that they raised your bad cholesterol. In recent years, people have turned around eggs are great for both weight loss and putting on muscle. If you eat eggs for breakfast a couple of times a week, you’re increasing your chances of slimming down.
They’re low in calories and extra high in protein. There are six grams of protein in one large egg. This will keep you pretty full for a while. Eggs are a smart and delicious addition to your low-calorie diet. Eat them in the morning with other low-calorie choices. Just stay away from unhealthy breakfast staples like white, toast, and fatty bacon. This will throw your diet off pretty quickly.
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Beans – 9 Foods to Lose Weight
Another simple food choice that can be cooked from home anytime. Beans are one of the most commonly eaten foods around. You probably have a can or two of them sitting in your pantry since before you moved in. Now, I wouldn’t eat those ones. But fresh beans from the grocery store are a plus. I mean they’re a go-to weight-loss food black and kidney beans are pretty basic meal choices.
If you’re getting your health right, try cooking them every day. You’re eating lots of protein and fiber. So your stomach will feel pretty good.
You’ve heard how an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well, you may not need to go that far. But try going for an apple a few times a week. Again, apples are really low in calories. I mean sure, some of them can be really sour. But just avoid those ones. Apples will definitely give you that fiber boost you’ve needed.
One medium-sized apple has around 12 of your daily suggested amount. One of the best things about apples is the endless amount of recipes you can add them to. I’m talking about smoothies, salads, and even toast. Maybe you can chop them up into slices and have them that way. Another great thing about apples is they can be stored in the fridge for a while.
They’re also pretty cheap to buy. So the next time you go to the grocery store, don’t shy away from this delicious fruit. Before we continue, are you looking to improve your sleep habits? Well, you need to improve your diet check out our seven milk drinks that’ll help you sleep faster and better. Now, back to our discussion on 9 Foods to Lose Weight – You Need to Eat This Every Week.
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I mean apples are a pretty easy addition to your diet. But some may find broccoli to be a challenge. It might be gross at first, but you get used to it. You just need to think happy thoughts. The fact that it’s super nutritious should help too. Broccoli is one of the best vegetables out there. It’s great for weight loss. The fiber will help your digestion and reduce your appetite.
It’s also got a ton of amazing nutrients that your body is probably lacking in. Just one cup of chopped broccoli holds ninety percent of your daily suggested vitamin C. You’re also getting a healthy amount of potassium and iron.
Broccoli is also associated with a reduced risk of cancer and inflammation. If you’re up for it start by eating broccoli a couple of times a week. Just don’t boil it. That burns away a lot of nutrients steaming. It is a better way to go if you’re feeling extra brave, try eating it raw.

Salmon – 9 Foods to Lose Weight
Keeping with the theme of acquired tastes. Salmon should also be eaten if you’re going to lose weight. Since, fish is normally expensive, eating it once a week would be appropriate. Fatty fish in general can keep you full for hours. But salmon just has so many good things going for it. On top of being low calorie, it packs a lot of protein.
A four-ounce serving of boneless salmon has about 25 grams. This will keep your stomach satisfied, but that’s not all. Arguably the most important thing about salmon is it holds omega-3 fatty acids. This helps reduce inflammation in your body. Which is key in reducing your chances of obesity.
But you shouldn’t just limit yourself to salmon. You can also try other fish as well. How about mackerel, sardines, or trout? I know these probably don’t make your mouth water. But you’re, trying to get healthier here give them a shot.
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Chia Seeds
Now, this is one you might not be familiar with, but it’s loaded with fiber. So it doesn’t matter. Chia seeds are said to be one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Not only do they have amazing nutrients, but they can also benefit your body and your mind. You can’t do any better when you’re trying to lose weight.
This is a weekly food you can add to several different meals. The soluble fiber in chia seeds absorbs water and expands in your stomach. This increases your fullness and slows down food absorption.
Studies have shown that eating chia seeds for your breakfast reduce the amount of food you ate later on in the day. If you’re going to eat chia seeds, experts suggest you eat two tablespoons a day. How about starting by sprinkling a little bit into your low-fat cereal.
Chicken Breast
This is one you’ll enjoy. I mean who doesn’t like eating chicken. The fact that it’s delicious is one thing, but its health benefits are a bonus. A four-ounce boneless chicken breast has a whopping 23 grams of protein. Eating this for lunch and dinner with some healthy greens will definitely fill you up.
Maybe a nice chicken and broccoli combo or add slices of it to your salad that always works for me. Increasing your protein intake throughout the day will cut the number of calories you’re eating. That’s because you’re just so full.
A diet that’s high in protein can help you burn over 100 calories per day. So if it’s in your budget buy enough chicken breasts to eat every couple of days. This is something you can cook every week without a problem.
Weight loss is really tricky. There are so many different things you can do. Let’s read some more article check out Quick Tips to Lose Weight or how about Almost Zero Calories Food List – 39 Delicious Foods. Go ahead, click on both find out more about how to lose weight and get healthy. Don’t forget to share our article. Have you already been eating these foods? Let us know in the comment section below.
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