Apple Cider Vinegar Hacks – You Need To Know

 Apple Cider Vinegar Hacks

Apple Cider Vinegar Hacks

Welcome there, viewers! Let’s talk about apple cider vinegar Hacks. Something I’m sure you all drink every day. Just kidding. But seriously, it can do great things for your body, from helping you lose weight to keeping your heart healthy.

However, you shouldn’t drink it under certain circumstances. There are rules to follow. Why can’t I take it straight? Is it unhealthy to drink before bed? Should I have it before a meal, or after?

Let’s talk about the 8 Apple Cider Vinegar Rules You Need To Follow.

Apple Cider Vinegar Hacks
Apple Cider Vinegar Hacks

Don’t Drink It Straight

Kicking things off, one of the best pieces of advice we can give you is to drink apple cider vinegar mixed with something else. You didn’t seriously think you were going to drink a full glass of it, did you?

How about your water or your tea. The vinegar might give it a unique sort of kick. Similar to how your grandfather pours a bit of whiskey into his coffee…

We’re not recommending that by the way. The reason you shouldn’t drink it straight is that there are several effects it can have on your body.

Consuming it in large quantities while in its pure form will seriously hurt your insides. Let’s dive into those details.

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Don’t Drink It Before Bed

Apple cider vinegar is okay to have during the day, but if you drink it before going to sleep, you’re asking for trouble. Apple Cider Vinegar really does a number on your throat.

It will give it a burning sensation that drives you crazy. This isn’t a pleasant way to end the day. Have you ever had esophagitis? Sorry, let me turn off the science talk.

Have you ever had a throat burn? This is a condition where your throat becomes irritated, causing it to swell up and burn.

In the case of apple cider vinegar, its acid content is very powerful. If you’re laying down, it can hurt your esophagus to the point where it feels like it’s on fire.

In one incident from 2005, a woman swallowed an apple cider vinegar tablet. When it became lodged in her throat it caused really painful burns.

So painful that she reportedly had trouble swallowing for as long as six months after.

Just as a measure of caution, if you do have a little ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) before bed, make sure you sit upright at least 30 minutes before hitting the pillow.

This will ensure that there is no acid reflux, and your esophagus isn’t irritated. You don’t want to wake up feeling like your throat is being barbequed.

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Apply Carefully to Skin

If apple cider vinegar can irritate your throat, just think about what it can do to your skin. It can cause your skin to react dramatically. That is if you’re using it wrong.

When applied properly, apple cider vinegar can work to get rid of pimples and dandruff. It’s like a teenager’s dream acne product. ACV can also ease your sunburn.

Applying apple cider vinegar on the skin can boost the skin’s pH level and strengthen its protective barriers, helping you withstand those harmful rays.

Studies have even shown that apple cider vinegar is more effective in skin treatment than certain soaps and cleansers.

I’m talking about actual products specifically made to treat your skin.

If you suffer from acne, you’re probably wondering where you can get your hands on some of this stuff. But keep in mind, it will only work if a minimal amount is used.

This is again due to the acid content. If you are not diluting the apple cider vinegar when applying it, it will kill skin cells and even leave chemical burns.

Depending on how much you applied, these markings can be semi-permanent. Seriously, there was one particular incident where a 14-year-old girl suffered erosions on her nose after applying apple cider vinegar to her face.

It turns out she was trying to remove moles and had read bogus information online. So be cautious and don’t overuse apple cider vinegar. Especially not to get rid of permanent markings.

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Don’t Drink Too Much

Apple cider vinegar is good for you but in moderation. Keep that word in mind. Because of its numerous health benefits, it might be your first instinct to down half a bottle in one sitting. This is wrong!

People have different reactions to certain drinks, and apple cider vinegar is no exception. If you’re new to this drink, it is advised that you ease into it.

Drinking too much too quickly can really upset your stomach. You might also feel an intense burning sensation similar to the one we described with your throat.

If you would like to give ACV a try, start with no more than 2 tablespoons a day. This will lower your chances of getting a harmful reaction. Drink it with some water for starters.

Don’t Inhale This – Apple Cider Vinegar Hacks

Do you know how your teacher told you not to sniff glue as a kid? Well, the same goes for apple cider vinegar. When used with steam, ACV can relieve your sinuses by stopping infections. It can also prevent headaches.

But breathing it in on its own is dangerous business. Inhaling apple cider vinegar will really beat up your lungs. Think about it, you’re exposing your insides to a raw, acidic liquid that also has the potential to burn.

You can’t fool around with this stuff. While you can drink it in small quantities, do your best to avoid breathing it in. This begins from the moment you open the container. And oh yeah, you still need to stay away from sniffing glue.

Before we continue, are you looking to trim some fat off your body in time for summer? Check out our latest video discussing the 15 Best Foods For Men That Burn Body Fat Fast.

Now back to our list of 8 Apple Cider Vinegar Rules You Need To Follow.

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Drink Before Eating – Apple Cider Vinegar Hacks

Do you know how they tell you not to go swimming right after you eat? The same applies to apple cider vinegar. If you want to mix a drink with some ACV, make sure you do it before your meal.

The best time to drink ACV is when you’re on an empty stomach. It takes between 6 to 8 hours for your food to pass through the stomach and down into your small intestine.

The vinegar sharpens your ability to digest food. Having some apple cider vinegar right before your meal will prepare your body to process it.

But that’s not the only benefit to this practice. It is also said that drinking apple cider vinegar before a meal can help you feel full quicker.

A study from 2005 showed that ACV before food can lower your calorie intake between 200 and 275 calories.

If you’re looking to lose weight, this is something you can try. For all you daredevils out there, if you are going to drink it after your meal, I would recommend you wait at least 20 minutes.

Don’t Take Swigs – Apple Cider Vinegar Hacks

We all hate that friend who walks around in the summertime with a bottle of alcohol, taking arrogant sips whenever they feel. I mean, come on… There are a time and a place for that, man. And put a shirt on!

Well taking swigs of apple cider vinegar is also a “no-no”, but for health reasons. To put it simply, don’t take sips from the container. Not only are you overusing it, but the acid of ACV can also seriously damage your teeth, particularly your tooth enamel.

Tooth enamel is the outer surface layer of your teeth. It’s supposed to protect your teeth from decaying. Highly acidic foods ruin your enamel, making it much easier for those pearly whites to rot.

In one study from 2014, scientists exposed wisdom teeth to vinegar. In just 4 hours, the teeth lose up to 20% of their minerals.

To prevent apple cider vinegar from doing this, drink it with a straw. This way the drink will have minimal contact with your teeth.

Also, if you feel the need to brush, avoid doing it for about a half-hour after drinking.

Keep Away From Your Children

Much like corrosive or poisonous chemicals, you need to keep apple cider away from kids. Due to all of the negative effects it has on people’s skin, throat and lungs, children are particularly vulnerable to it.

In fact, researchers have recommended vinegar itself to be labeled a “potent and caustic substance” and be placed in childproof containers.

If you have the apple cider vinegar out, make sure that it is out of reach from your kids. Do you use apple cider vinegar on the regular? Would you consider following any of these rules? Let us know in the comments below. We would love to hear from you!

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