Which Diets Actually Work
Welcome to this blog post “Which Diets Actually Work – Scientifically Proven Dieting Tips.” There are…a lot of popular diets out there. So we thought we’d create a simple article investigating which ones are scientifically sound, and actually work.
From the beyond it seems like a plain equation. Your weight is determined by the equivalence between the calories you take in, and the calories you burn. By developing what you eat or your activity level, you can tip this equation fronting weight gain or loss. Which deliver us some category of diets.
Calorie Restriction

Companies like Weight Watchers claim you can eat everything you want. As long as you remain below a recommended number of daily calories. Taking all your calories from junk food is technically conceded. But from a health angle, it’s necessary to think of the nutritional value of the foods too.
If you don’t, you risk heart complications, nutrient deficiencies, and chronic health issues. Calorie Restriction with Optimal Nutrition or CRON diets, generally reduce their caloric intake by 20% while still meeting the daily nutritional demands.
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For example, instead of having a whole apple, a CRON dieter will exactly have the apple skin, which consists of most of the nutrients. If used perfectly (and not excessively), calorie control can be a secure and effective tool for weight loss.
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Carb Restriction

Many diets like the South Beach, Atkins, or Zone Diet advise that carbs are the enemy of the fit body you’ve ever thought of. The ideology claims that when more carbs are consumed than burned off, the liver converts them into fats.
But for most healthy, reasonably active people, carbs are broken down to glucose and shifted to the cells for energy. Very little is literally turned into fat.
In response to extra glucose, the body uses insulin to turn it into glycogen. Which is gathered in the liver and muscles. This glycogen may later be broken down in times of low glucose, to refill the body.
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But the variety of carbs you have taken do matter. Those from plain sugars like honey, fruit, or sugar are more easily turned into triglycerides or fat than complex carbs like whole grains and veggies. If you regularly eat way more than required, and most calories are simple carbs, then these will be turned into fat.
Low carb diets generally have maximum restriction at first; no starches like bread or pasta, and no sugars including from fruits or even alcohol. This can cause some intense side effects, including constipation, dry mouth, bad breath, fatigue, dizziness, and nausea.
In studies, carb regulation dieters tend to lose weight faster, initially, in comparison to those simply using calorie restriction, but this is why due to water loss, which returns in later phases when you’re inspired to eat normally again.
On top of this, the Atkins diet, promotes caloric intake from high-fat and high-protein sources, which means meats, cheeses, cream, butter, and…losing weight? Sounds pretty good right?
But many doctors show concern over the high intake of saturated fat. Which may lead to more ‘bad’ cholesterol and therefore an expanded risk of heart disease. Some claim these types of diets are threatening and unhealthy, given that they encourage the limitation of foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, or apples. Which contribute to the body with essential micronutrients and vitamins.
Instead, people desire supplements, which the body is not able to consume as productively as vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients in whole foods.
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High Protein Diets

The fundamental basis is that protein-rich foods are not as comfortably broken down by the body. And consume more energy to digest than carb-rich food. This means you won’t feel hungry again as early. Alo you’re more likely to run a caloric deficit than if you ate an equal number of calories from carbs.
The Paleo Diet, for example, advises that 10,000 years ago agriculture was popularized. From then the human diet alternated from hunter-gathers eating primarily meat, wild fruits, veggies, and nuts, to diets consist of more grains. And as a result, some trust the human body isn’t designed to digest these prepared foods like grains, dairy, and bread.
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Some also believe that grains lead to inflammation-related health issues. But this is mostly wrong except in the case of people with celiac disease. But because of its genuine guidelines, many find it simple to follow, and it does boost more nutrient absorption.
However, as paleo cuts out all grains and legumes, we lose an essential source of dietary fiber necessary to keep our bowels running fluently. Not to acknowledge the high protein leads to nitrogen production meaning stinky farts!
Add to that constipation which helps your digested material to sit longer in the large intestine and continuing to break down and…Yup. Smelly farts.
Just Stop Eating Diets

Those looking to ‘get slim quick’ might be tempted to only eat cabbage soup for 7 days. Or do the ‘Master Cleanse Diet’ which only allows saltwater in the early morning and a concoction of water, maple syrup, lemon, and cayenne pepper throughout the whole day. A laxative tea at night – but these diets are abnormally unhealthy.
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Not only is most of your weight loss from water weight, but there are numerous side effects like dizziness, fatigue, dehydration, and nausea. The Master Cleanse can ever lead to a white tongue. Which some claim is the toxins leaving your body, but it’s absolutely due to swelling and a yeast infection of the mouth.
And after going over all that, you’re possibly to gain any weight loss after stopping. Then certainly there are straight-up crazy diets. Like eating cotton balls dipped in soup or juice so that you feel full. Which of course bring hardly any nutritional content and can cause intestinal blockages which desire surgical interference.
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Or how about the diet of sleeping beauty where you just…sleep? If you’re always asleep, you can’t eat! The reality is most diets focusing on quick, dramatic results also have a ‘yo-yo’ effect. Where you lose initial weight but slow down your metabolic rate, so your body starts burning fewer calories.
And when you start eating again…there’s all the weight back, and often more! After the following candidate from the show ‘The Biggest Loser’ for 6 years, some of which who had lost hundreds of pounds in 7 months. Scientists observed something amusing.
Not only most of the participants in the study regain their weight, but also their metabolic rates changed. One participant in particular now burns 800 fewer calories a day than would be anticipated for a man his size!
This is 6 years after leaving the show, showing how extreme measures to lose weight. While they may be successful at the time. Have long-lasting impacts on your metabolism, making it harder to keep off weight in the future.
The hard truth is that even using many of the principled diets, about 97% of people regain everything lost and sometimes more within 3 years.
If you want to lose weight, finding a diet plan that works for you. And then retain you motivated, with small incremental changes is significant. Of course, a number on a scale doesn’t evaluate how healthy a person is, though many struggles with this perception.
Now you know about which diets actually work. Do you follow any diet plan to lose weight? Let us know in the comments! We would love to hear from you. If you enjoy this article please share it with your friends. Thanks for reading.
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