Top 7 Dental Problems

 Top 7 Dental Problems

Your teeth are one of the most important features of your body. I mean sure, they help you chew, but they can also determine the state of your overall health. A trip to the dentist’s chair can be nerve-wracking. You never know what they’re going to find. Let’s talk about the top 7 dental problems you should read out for to save you some of the suspense.

Is bad breath a problem? How about sores in your mouth? Are your teeth feeling really sensitive these days? Wait, how common is oral cancer? We’re talking about all that AND more… Let’s begin.

1 – Tooth Decay

Tooth Decay - Top 7 Dental Problems

Are your teeth looking noticeably different? Depending on their appearance, you could be experiencing tooth decay. Did you know that tooth decay is the second most common disease in the United States after a cold?

Tooth decay is a condition where the enamel of your teeth is destroyed. That’s the hard, outer surface layer of teeth meant to give you protection. Tooth decay occurs when plaque combines with sugar from the food you’re eating. It produces acids that attack the tooth enamel.

Over time, rot will form on your teeth. And no, this isn’t something only your dentist can notice. You’ll eventually be able to see it in the bathroom mirror when you wake up in the morning. Actually, you may not see in the mirror, because chances are you’re not brushing your teeth a lot!

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One of the best ways to prevent tooth decay is to take care of your pearly whites. Experts suggest that the average person brushes twice a day for 2 minutes at a time. This will remove all the gross plaque and food residue off your teeth, and lower your chances of cavities. 

You’ll also want to eat better. This means healthier meals with less sugar. That’s right, you’ll need to cut down on the snacking. What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without brushing your teeth? What were the results? Tell us in the comment section and start a conversation with our community.

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2 – Mouth Sores

Mouth Sores

Cavities are just one thing. Gross sores in and around your mouth are an entirely different ballpark. Also known as canker sores, these ulcers usually form due to gingivitis. This is one of the conditions you really need to watch out for. It’s a common infection of the mouth and gums.

Gingivitis sores develop either on the gums or the inside of your cheeks. They will appear greyish or yellow on the outside, and red in the center. Mouth sores can be extremely uncomfortable. They make it painful to eat and even speak at times.

There’s also another type of sore to mention. Let’s talk about oral thrush for a second. This is a yeast infection that happens inside the mouth. It’s common among people with diabetes or cancer. If your mouth sores go away in two weeks, there’s usually nothing to worry about. But if it stays around longer, you’re going to want to talk to a doctor.

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3 – Tooth Erosion

Tooth Erosion - Top 7 Dental Problems

This also has to do with your tooth enamel. Tooth erosion is when your teeth begin to break down. Acid from food and plaque begins to eat away at your enamel. When you’re suffering from tooth erosion, one of the symptoms is an aching pain in your teeth. It may start out rather gently, but will only worsen over time. Toothaches are enough to keep you up at night.

Another thing you need to watch out for is teeth cracking. This is due to the acid attacking your tooth and causing it to fall apart. You may also notice a certain type of discoloration. Due to the acid eating away in your mouth, the teeth will probably take on a yellowish form.

Watching your teeth slowly fall apart is something you don’t want, so make sure you’re brushing carefully and eating better foods.

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4 – Bad Breath

Bad Breath

Now there are plenty of reasons for your breath to stink. Not everyone is suffering from poor dental hygiene. Some people’s breath just naturally smells in the morning. It could also be something you ate. There are a few possibilities. But there’s something else you need to be cautious of… Let’s talk about halitosis for a second.

Halitosis is a condition where a person suffers from persistent bad breath. Your breath will smell so bad, people won’t want to be around you. If you find that your morning bad breath just isn’t letting up, halitosis might be the problem.

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Studies show that 85% of people with ongoing bad breath have some sort of dental condition. These conditions go from bad to worse.

Bad breath is usually caused by gum disease, cavities, dry mouth, or the spreading of bacteria. There’s also another thing that can bring on bad breath, but it deserves its very own entry. So let’s get into that…

But before we continue, are you trying to get rid of bad breath? Check out our recent article on How to Get Rid of Bad Breath – Top 10 Ways to Kill Bacteria in Your Mouths. Now back to our discussion on Dental Problems.

5 – Oral Cancer

Oral Cancer - Top 7 Dental Problems

This is probably the scariest thing we’ll be talking about today. Oral cancer is nothing to joke around about. Some studies estimate that a person in the United States dies from oral cancer once every hour. Luckily, the same studies show that if oral cancer is spotted in its early stages, it is usually treatable.

The symptoms of oral cancer are pretty identifiable. You’ll start noticing lumps and sores on the inside of your mouth. You may also have difficulty chewing your food. Even moving your jaw will be a task.

There are a few ways to lower your chances of oral cancer. Two of them involve changes in your lifestyle. For one, you’re going to want to stop drinking and smoking. Tobacco and alcohol use will only increase your risk. Oral cancer can also be brought on by sexually transmitted infections.

Try your best to see a dentist as many times as you can throughout the year. The more checkups you get, the more you’ll be able to spot it. It’s most common in people over the age of 40.

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6 – Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth Sensitivity - Top 7 Dental Problems

Sometimes, our teeth just don’t feel right. Whether they start aching randomly, or we get a sharp pain after eating something cold. Tooth sensitivity is classified as severe pain or discomfort felt after eating or drinking certain items. These items can range from hot to cold to sweet. This is a common problem for millions of people.

A person with sensitive teeth will even have trouble brushing and flossing. Just the tiniest bit of pressure is enough to cause discomfort. There is a reason behind all of this pain. Let’s talk about tooth abscess for a second.

A tooth abscess describes a pocket of pus that forms due to a bacterial infection. This is something that can’t be fixed with a good night’s rest. Tooth abscess needs to be treated by a professional. If it goes untreated, you will probably end up losing that tooth. The infection might even spread into your jaw bone. Then you’ll really have problems.

If your teeth are feeling sensitive all of the sudden, get on the phone and schedule a dentist appointment.

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7 – Gum Disease

Gum Disease - Top 7 Dental Problems

Here’s another entry that can really be frightening. Also known as periodontitis, gum disease is one of the main causes of tooth loss among adults. It’s an infection that damages the soft tissue of your gums. If it’s left untreated, it can spread. Over time it will destroy the bone that supports your teeth.

The scary part is that it doesn’t stop there. Gum disease can even spread into the rest of your body. Studies have suggested a link between gum disease and certain heart conditions.  

Symptoms of gum disease include things like bad breath, red and swollen gums, and sensitive teeth. You’ll also find that chewing your food is much harder than it used to be.

While people of all ages are at risk of gum disease, the risk increases after age 30. A lot of this has to do with your lifestyle. A person who smokes is much more likely to develop gum disease than a person who doesn’t. People who suffer from diabetes have a greater chance of suffering from gum disease.

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Luckily, you can prevent gum disease by switching up your lifestyle. Put down the cigarettes and quit eating all that gross, sugary food. You’d also be smart to visit the dentist when you have the chance. Trust me, your gums will thank you in the long run.

Your teeth are so important to your overall health. There is just so much to learn. Have I sparked your interest? Let’s keep the conversation going with a couple more tooth-related articles, shall we?

Check out Best Ways to Remove Tartar Buildup – 10 Natural Remedies. Or How to Strengthen Teeth – 11 best Ways to Strengthen Your Teeth. Go ahead, click one. Or better yet, read both and learn more about how to keep that smile pearly white. Have you suffered from any of these dental problems? Let us know in the comments!

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